How do we work

We propose an integrated service aimed at the promotion of Short-Term Accommodation, supporting owners throughout the whole process, as well as a customised welcome and follow-up throughout the guest’s stay at your apartment.

We believe that customisation is a crucial factor for the success of this business and we offer our own Brand to create Value, Differentiate from the competition and Innovate.



Photographs and the creation of the ad, cleaning between reservations, bedding and towels with the Ohmm brand, laundry, consumables, welcome gifts, a folder with all the necessary info on the apartment and surrounding area, check-in, support to the guests during their stay, logistical management and booking management as well as online communication.

We prefer to work with AirBnB but are willing to expand to others, if you prefer.



Ohmm’s service provision sets from a fixed amount per reservation (to be defined in compliance with the type of accommodation) to which a management commission will be accrued, which varies according to the services you are willing to contract, starting in 25% + IVA.

The calculation will be made based on the gross value of the reservation and does not include costs involved in the communication on existing websites/platforms (eg. Airbnb 3%+VAT, 15%+VAT, etc). Only the advertising on our website is ( is included in the fee.

We try to adapt our proposal to the needs of each client and that is why we will only propose a final amount after we know exactly what you’re looking for.




To assure a comprehensive management that is duly certified regarding the compliance with tax obligations, we have established a protocol with SMCAPS Consultores, assuring our clients all the accountancy services associated with this activity, according to the client’s tax situation in Portugal.


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